Hi all,

This site has been set up to be the one source of club news and information. If everything goes to plan, new posts will go up here and then shared out to Facebook and other socials from this single point.
Muster day announcements, training day announcements, wet weather, celebrations, working bee calls, will all be posted from here first and then shared out.
If you want to stay in the loop and (like me) are not facebook users, you can bookmark this site and keep checking the site.
Non-social media options
Allow Site Notifications

The site will ask to show you notifications. We don’t post every day, so this will not be an annoying option for you. If you want to stay in the loop, say yes. If you say “Not Yet” you won’t get pestered after that. But there will be a little bell icon if you change your mind.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

Other built-in options include adding the site’s RSS feed in your news reader or in some browsers. RSS is a very convenient tool for keeping in the loop without relying on people posting on facebook. Some browsers and phone apps may know what to do with this link.